Harbor Charlie

New York, NY

A new facility for the New York City Harbor Police was proposed to be built at the Brooklyn Army Terminal, a former military installation listed on the National Register of Historic Places. Sponsored by the New York City Economic Development Corporation, the new marine police headquarters was commissioned as part of waterfront development in the industrial complex.

Li · Saltzman Architects designed a new 16,000 square foot police facility for the New York City Harbor Police Inspired by the Terminal’s historic pier warehouses, Li · Saltzman’s design utilizes a parti of masonry headhouse and metal shed. The building accommodates scuba facilities, offices, an exercise and fitness center, meeting rooms, computer labs, telecommunications facilities, harbor equipment and storage areas. Signage and security features, e.g., perimeter fencing, cameras, lighting, and bullet-proof construction are an integral part of the building design. The new building provides the harbor police with a highly efficient modern facility appropriate to its historic setting.

Designation: National Register of Historic Places