B&B Carousell

Brooklyn, NY

The B&B Carousell, also known as the Bischoff & Brienstein Carousell, was erected in 1906/1909 and moved to Coney Island in 1932. The Carousell, built by William F. Mangels (frame builder) with Charles Carmel, Charles Looff and Marcus Illions (chariot and horse carvers), was the last wood-carved carousel at Coney Island and is listed on the New York State and National Registers of Historic Places.

The Carousell was acquired by the City of New York through an anonymous donor in 2005, and was subsequently restored by the Ohio-based firm Carousels and Carvings in 2008. Currently housed in a new building designed by Rockwell Group that opened to the public in 2013, the Carousell is an iconic focal point, with the Parachute Jump, within Steeplechase Plaza.

LSA served as the Historic Preservation Consultant to the New York City Economic Development Corporation for the preparation of a report documenting the history of the Carousell.

Designation: National Register of Historic Places, State Register of Historic Places